I am enjoying exploring the more non-violent ways of achieving the quest goals. I've had 4 Crises that are canonical to my save, but I've only had to fight in 2 of them.

I've put in over 11 hours now, and have finally travelled away from the first area, failing the few quests that remained open.

However, I do like the huge wealth of unexpected possibilities due to the setting as I understand it, which involves millions of years of technical evolution, over a number of civilizations that become so advanced that they are essentially magic. Oh yeah, I got quite far in Pillars of Eternity, but encountered a bug that destroyed my playthrough, but may have been fixed since

Hmmm, maybe I am lucky that I haven't played a huge number of CRPGs then, just Baldur's Gate 1 and most of 2 (the insane high level magic system kept me from completing that), as well as a bit of Planescape: Torment, the start of Wasteland 2, and Divinity Original SIn.